One of the things
that make humans and Bigfoot unique, is the ability to maintain an upright
position. Bipedalism is the ability to
be mobile on the back two appendages;
in our case, legs. What I am researching
this week is what makes it possible for us to be bipedal and how we got that
way. This is an important piece of
background information when attempting to understand what Sasquatch could be,
especially if he is to be considered humanoid.
An animal moves in a bipedal manner is known as a biped,
which means "two feet" (from the Latin bi for "two" and ped
for "foot"). This type of movement includes everything from walking
to hopping, so long as it is done on two legs.
There are not a lot of modern animals whose normal walking
movement is bipedal. In mammals, this
movement has evolved several times. In the Triassic period some of the
ancestors of crocodiles developed bipedalism, including dinosaurs and
eventually birds. Some species use
bipedalism for short bits of time. Some
lizards move bipedally when running, usually to escape from threats. Bears and
Great Apes often become bipedal to reach food or see over obstacles. Several animals rear up on hind legs to have
sex or while fighting. Humans, however, are most always bipedal when moving,
after the first year or two at least.
When moving, bipedal animals typically have upright torsos and often use
their tail for balance.
Most mammals are quadropedal. In the some mammals that are bipedal, namely
kangaroos and wallabies, the motion is by hopping rather than one foot at a
time (alternating gait). Few bipedal mammals other than primates walk with an
alternating gait. There are many
hypotheses on how, when and why bipedalism evolved in humans. Bipedal
specializations are found in Australopithecus fossils from 4.2-3.9 million
years ago. Possible reasons for the
evolution of human bipedalism include freeing the hands for tool use and
carrying, differences in gender in food gathering and child bearing, changes in
climate and to a habitat that favored a more elevated eye-position, and to
reduce the amount of skin exposed to the tropical sun.
C. Owen Lovejoy theorizes that the evolution of bipedalism
was linked to monogamy. This model is
supported by the change in size of the male canine teeth in early hominids suggests
that there were reductions in male to male fighting. Additionally, modern humans show traits like
permanent prominence in female breast that argues against the idea that recent
humans are the start of monogamous relationships. According to Richard Dawkins in his book
"The Ancestor's Tale", chimps and bonobos are descended from Australopithecus
gracile type species while gorillas are descended from Paranthropus. These apes
may have once been bipedal, but then lost this ability when they were forced
back into an arboreal habitat. The
aquatic ape hypothesis, promoted for several decades by Elaine Morgan, proposed
that swimming, diving and aquatic food sources exerted a strong influence on
many aspects of human evolution, including bipedalism.
It isn’t just the legs that are crucial to walking
upright. Trunk stabilizing muscles have
to be well developed. Weak lower back
muscles will prevent an upright stance, so we must assume that Sasquatch has significant
musculature in that region. Likewise the
abdominal muscles must be strong enough to counterbalance the back. From the perspective remaining upright, the
trunk and leg muscles are far more important than upper body strength and
development. It would be safe to assume
that Sasquatch is not going to have a very small pelvis and thin legs. This is something that is remarkable when
comparing sightings to those of an ape.
An ape pelvis is significantly smaller (in proportion to the trunk) than
that of a human because in an ape it does not need to support an upright stance. We believe Sasquatch to be mammal and bipedal
and therefore probably primate. The big
question, however, is which kind of primate?
Ninety six percent of DNA base pair sequences of humans and
chimpanzees are the same. Most of the 4%
difference is in duplicated non-gene segments.
The genes that differ, mostly control speech, smelling, hearing,
digesting proteins, and susceptibility to certain diseases. The genome for chimpanzees has now been
completed as well, showing their evolution and separation from the overall
primate soup at roughly 12 to 16 million years ago versus the human version
arrival just two or three million years ago.
If we discard the traditional thinking that Bigfoot is either ape or
human, or a mix thereof, we then consider the possibility of a separate genome
diversion within the period of ten to 14 million years ago. This would give them their own distinct
evolutionary path relative to their environmental needs, perhaps causing the
development of bipedal motion with other things like speech or brain size. It is also possible that their own evolution
pattern means they would indeed have innate ability to sense the presence and
intention of humans who enter their environment—what we perceive as “ESP”. Some regions of the human genome more closely
resemble the orangutan than the chimpanzee. At the time humans split off from a common
ancestor with chimps, both species had the same ancestral orangutan DNA. Chimps
lost some orangutan DNA that humans retained.
This makes the “third species” hypothesis even more intriguing.

While we have no “proof” of what the Bigfoot diet
encompasses, it is generally accepted that he is omnivorous. Because similar reports of these creatures
come from all over the world, it is likely that he is a creature who eats basically
whatever is available. Some researchers
report that bigfoot is known to eat fish and small deer, but no good evidence
of that has surfaced. Without
genetically proven scat samples it is impossible to suggest any direction on
diet. First we must prove there IS
Bigfoot, then we’ll worry about how to feed him.
Sasquatch must have a heart, all animals do. Likely it is nearly the same as our own,
given that non-human primate hearts have been known to function in humans
awaiting transplant. Enzymes and other
chemical considerations cause eventual rejection of baboon hearts in humans,
but structurally the two species are similar enough to be considered probable
as the norm for our Bigfoot as well.
Chemical differences (hormones, enzymes, antibodies, etc) in
the lungs of Sasquatch would be nearly the only difference in lung capacity and
efficiency if compared to humans. One
factor, the diaphragm, and its purpose and function may be of more importance
to investigate. Since Bigfoot is
bipedal, it is likely that the diaphragm is developed differently than that of
an ape. Physiological changes in muscle
size and placement is greatly dependent on posture.
Again, without a body or scat samples, much of what we
propose to know about Sasquatch cannot be proven (or disproven). Certainly though, we should be preparing for
the day when we DO have those samples so that we know the facts for comparison.
“The Ancestor's Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Evolution”,
by Richard Dawkins
“The Transplantation and Replacement of Thoracic Organs: The
Present Status”, By David K. C. Cooper,
Leslie W. Miller, and G. Alexander Patterson
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