The old ways of researching cryptids are sometimes not very
useful. Perhaps it is time to start
thinking beyond the “let’s get a photo or a corpse” mentality and look to
modern research to see if it may apply.
One of the newest studies compares animals of all kinds to humans with
respect to disease. Animals and humans
share a remarkable similarity in that respect.
If we continue to assume that our Fortean creatures are indeed
biological animals, perhaps studying comparable diseases may yield new clues.

We tend to think of cancers as a human problem, but most
other animals can be stricken by “the Big C” as well. Breast cancer is one of the most frequently
diagnosed cancers in humans, both men and women. It is also a disease that nearly all animals
can get and have gotten. Jaguars,
cougars, tigers, sea lions, kangaroos, wallabies, beluga whales, alpacas and
llamas have all been documented as having had this specific kind of
cancer. In fact, the only animals it doesn't show up in are those considered “professional lactators”—dairy cows and
goats. Skin cancer too is fairly common,
even though animals have skin quite different than ours. Rhonda the rhino, who lives at the Los
Angeles Zoo, was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma, a common type of skin
cancer, on her horn. The zoo consulted
with oncologists who work with human skin cancers, and Rhonda was diagnosed,
had surgery, and is now cancer free. Osteosarcoma,
a common type of bone cancer, is the leading cause of death in golden
retrievers. This disease has also been
found in the bones of wolves, grizzly bears, camels, polar bears, some
reptiles, fish and birds, so it logically follows that there would be
incidences in every cryptid from Sasquatch to Mothman.
Obesity and diabetes shows up in many animals. Usually the ones who are held in captivity in
zoos or as pets are more susceptible to these two diseases. Scientists suggest that the limited exercise and
the feed consisting of genetically modified crops may play the major roles in
both diseases, just like they would in humans.
It would follow then that rural cryptids like Sasquatch would probably
dodge those issues, but more urban ones like chupacabra would be at risk
because of garbage scavenging. Perhaps a
more important research note is that when investigating reports of urban
cryptids, it would be wise to understand the symptoms associated with these
diseases to better identify the cryptid as an already known animal. Obese animals, especially when dead, can give
a false first impression of being something unknown. Untreated diabetes can cause fur loss from
scratching dry skin and even erratic behavior.
Knowing these diseases can appear in animals gives us one more test of “normalcy”
when making an identification.
Horses and many primates can experience erectile
dysfunction. This can be from organic
issues like diet or vascular constriction, but it can also be from depression
or even trauma. Stallions not only have
been found to experience erectile dysfunction, they can have sexual dysfunction
if they were bred too young or have an upsetting first sexual experience with a
mare. Chimps have been studied for their propensity to experience both Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder and Depression.
The most riveting is a painstakingly detailed month-long observation of
three captive chimpanzees (Blossom, Rosie, and Chippy) as a fourth chimp, Pansy,
became gravely ill and died. A research team, led by psychologist James
Anderson, observed their reactions. The fact that the chimpanzees were
continuously, systematically, and meticulously observed over a thirty-day
period lends the paper greater credibility than previous reports, which were
largely anecdotal. From Anderson’s
“During Pansy's final days the others were quiet and
attentive to her, and they altered their nesting arrangements (respect, care,
anticipatory grief). When Pansy died they appeared to test for signs of life by
closely inspecting her mouth and manipulating her limbs (test for pulse or
breath). Shortly afterwards, the adult male attacked the dead female, possibly
attempting to rouse her (attempted resuscitation); attacks may also have
expressed anger or frustration (denial, feelings of anger towards the
deceased). The adult daughter remained near the mother's corpse throughout the
night (night-time vigil), while Blossom groomed Chippy for an extraordinary
amount of time (consolation, social support). All three chimpanzees changed
posture frequently during the night (disturbed sleep). They removed straw from
Pansy's body the next morning (cleaning the body). For weeks post-death, the
survivors remained lethargic and quiet, and they ate less than normal (grief,
mourning). They avoided sleeping on the deathbed platform for several days
(leaving objects or places associated with the deceased untouched)”
Some animals, including animals, actually bury their dead. Perhaps this possibility as the explanation
for why there are no dead Sasquatch lying around is sounder than some give it
credit for. If we think of the word “bury”
meaning simply to cover rather than as a ritual, it is actually fairly
common. Animals know that carcasses draw
predators and disease and most find a way to remove the dead from the living
area. Some take that further and
actually cover the body with soil or vegetation, technically burying it.

STD’s and heart disease are also common in the wild. One in
four humans worldwide die of sexually transmitted disease and this too is an
issue for our animal population. In
fact, chlamydia has reached epidemic status in Koalas in Australia. Animals can experience heart attacks and many
species can be frightened to death. Dr. Barbara Natterson-Horowitz professor of
cardiology, David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA, and a member of the medical advisory board at the L.A. Zoo first
became interested in the ties between animal and human disease when a lioness
at the zoo was suffering from fluid around her heart. She joined with journalist Kathryn Bowers to
write the book Zoobiquity, which explores
how animal and human commonality can be used to diagnose, treat, and heal
patients of all species. The associated
website with much more information on common conditions can be accessed
Veterinarians deal with a wide range of species including
mammals, reptiles and insects. Unlike human patients, the animals can't
describe their symptoms to their doctors so veterinarians have to be keen
observers. As researchers, we must study
like the veterinarians—learn all we can about a wide range of species. This learning should also include their diseases.