A Canadian
group has listed the story below on their Facebook page and some of the comments
made me wonder if this is a cryptid or an alien. Often when
we hear the word “Reptilian” we think of shape-shifting aliens in sci-fi
stories. David Icke, a conspiracy
theorist, has even claimed that many of the world leaders are, or are possessed
by, reptilians.
Miami-Dade Law Enforcement worker Albert
S Rosales, a Facebook user, posted this account on the
Paranormal Studies and Investigations page.
Reptilian encounter, Ontario, Canada, 1978
Location. St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada Date: summer 1978 Time: late evening Lee Nigro was driving along a dark road near an area that is fairly well wooded. He was accompanied by his friend Churcho in the passenger seat when they spotted what Lee at first took to be a tall man standing in the middle of the road several yards ahead, apparently indifferent to the fact that a vehicle was moving towards “him”. Lee supposedly blared the horn frantically, since he believed he had the right of way, but still this “man” showed no interest in budging from “his” precarious spot in the middle of the road. As a result, Lee---who was known as being very tough and no-nonsense when the situation called for it---had to swerve his car aside in the road so that he didn’t hit this “man,” and could very well have had a serious accident as a result. Incensed at this individual for the near disaster, Lee Nigro got out of the car to angrily confront the man, only to realize to his horror---and that of his passenger, who could now fully see the figure illuminated in the headlights of the stopped car---that he was not confronting a human being at all. When asked what it looked like he answered, “Like an alligator” but he insisted that it stood on two feet like a man. Lee Nigro very explicitly claimed that the encountered humanoid had reptilian features and not the far more ‘familiar’ hairy hominid or ape-like type of creature. He never used the word Bigfoot to describe it, instead he insisted the creature he saw looked like something akin to a humanoid alligator with scaly, hairless reptilian skin. Unfortunately it was not confirmed if the creature’s hairless skin was green or some other hue. Then came the final part of the confrontation. While Lee Nigro’s passenger panicked and claimed that he tried to hide under the dashboard of the car, Nigro quickly grabbed a baseball bat he kept handy in the car if needed and struck the creature with it---only to find it had no effect whatsoever. After Lee Nigro struck the creature with the
bat, it knocked the weapon out of his hand, and he wisely rushed into the car, shut the door, hastily started the vehicle up again, and hit the accelerator. Just as he took off, the reptilian cryptid apparently leaped on the hood of the car, then just as quickly leaped off again as the vehicle started moving forward. It then ran into the nearby trees on the side of the road, disappearing from sight even as Lee Nigro hightailed it out of the area.
HC addendum Source: direct from Chris N godofthunder85@gmail.com Type: E Comments: Source is nephew of Lee Nigro

Reptilian cryptids are not entirely unheard
of. The Cherufe in Chile is described as
a large reptilian humanoid creature or dragon. Cryptozoological investigators
consider the possibility that the legends of the Cherufe may be based on sightings of an actual biological entity. In
the "original" Mapuche legend, the Cherufe is described as a giant
snake that lives under the sea floor to generate seaquakes and tsunamis. The
Peruvian equivalent to the Cherufe would be called by the name Pachamama (Earth
mother). In Peru it is sometimes represented
as a separate cryptid that Karl Shuker equates to the Minhocao (giant
earthworm). Giant serpents, especially in this area, are thought to have been
originally mythological explanations for natural phenomena or even religious
The Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp is said to
inhabit the swampland in and around Lee County, South Carolina. Some say it also appears along with the
sewers near the swamp. He is described
as 7 feet (2.1 m) tall, bipedal, and muscular, covered in dark hair with scaly
lizard like skin on hands, feet and face.
It is said to be quite strong and may have a tail with six spikes. The
first reported sighting was made by Christopher Davis, a 17 year old local, who
said he encountered the creature while driving home from work at 2 AM on June
29, 1988. The sheriff's department made
several plaster casts of what appeared to be three-toed footprints which
measured 14 inches (36 cm) in length. South
Carolina Marine Resources Department spokesperson Johnny Evans said the tracks
neither matched, nor could be mistaken for, the footprints of any recorded
animal. In October 2005, a woman in Newberry, South Carolina reported to the
police that she had seen two creatures resembling the Lizard Man outside her
home. In February 2008, a couple in Bishopville, South Carolina reported damage
to their vehicle, blood, and the
disappearance of some of their cats. Some have claimed that this is the
"return" of the Lizard Man, but the blood traces from the Rawsons' vehicle
were sent to a Veterinary lab and were found to be from a domestic dog. In 2011, another couple reported that their
car had been mauled by something tall and the former Lee County Sheriff stated
that the damage on the car looks much like the damage from earlier incidents.

Jake the Alligator man is the most famous inhabitant
of Long Beach, Washington. He is a mummified half man half alligator that
toured as a circus attraction. In 1967 the Marsh family purchased him he now
resides in Marsh’s Free Museum. The Long
Beach Merchants Association began throwing an Annual 75th Birthday Bash for
Jake. The event takes place the first weekend in August this year it will fall
on August 2nd and 3rd 2013. He also has
a Facebook page. Most believe he is
fashioned in the same way as the Fiji Mermaid, but no real study has been done
on the oddity.
Whether these reptilians are alien or
cryptozoological, their stories are often out of this world!