Now, if I had an extra $45 (USD) just lying around, I'd buy this. And I'd wear it. It's a quality item. But to have that extra means I would have already funded my top-notch field kit, paid off the books I've purchased, explored several continents in the field and invested in good insurance.
One of the issues that cause us to not be able to really define what beings like this are, is the misdirection of funds. If you are lucky enough to have money, and you are really interested in research, this shirt isn't going to further your work. It won't get dna testing done. It won't teach you anything about zoology, etc. It won't give you better respect (and thereby get you possible outside funding and exposure). It will only make you look good.
Hypothetically, let's say you have $100 for your research right now. This cash would be much better spent on gloves or evidence collection items. It might pay for a weekend camping space or permit to go into the field. It might buy you an online course in linguistics so you can qualitatively decipher what folks are saying are Sasquatch communications. Every single one of those items helps further your study, and possibly bring the breakthrough we are all hoping for.
With the reality TV like "Finding Bigfoot" or "Mountain Monsters" getting income from advertising and often their own merchandise, they could be doing more. They could be highlighting really good fieldwork. They could be funding tests for all researchers. They could be incorporating the process of learning how to do this sort of research. Instead, they are simply entertaining and sucking the less experienced right in to a false sense of how research works.
With the reality TV like "Finding Bigfoot" or "Mountain Monsters" getting income from advertising and often their own merchandise, they could be doing more. They could be highlighting really good fieldwork. They could be funding tests for all researchers. They could be incorporating the process of learning how to do this sort of research. Instead, they are simply entertaining and sucking the less experienced right in to a false sense of how research works.
That false sense is not only not helpful but also potentially damaging. Where are the segments on how they got permission to be where they are? Where is the full disclosure of everything they found, even if it was not helpful? Where is the discussion on how to use the equipment normal people can afford instead of a fancy FLIR?
I have worked on these sorts of shows, both in front of the camera and as a consultant. I can honestly say they are some of the most offensive people to work with. I've also worked extensively with ghost research shows and movies and I find them to be much more honest. In some cases, they even donate their equipment to a "real" researcher when they are done filming. Wouldn't it be great if Crypto shows would support actual research? Wouldn't it be great if the "stars" actually knew what they were doing?
I acknowledge that the shows have put paranormal research of all kinds in the spotlight, and that is probably a good thing. Those of us from the original "Unsolved Mysteries" generation are aging and the fresh faces and brains are much needed. How do you vet them though? Do you choose someone who can tell you all about Matt Moneymaker and nothing about the Yeti? Or do you choose the university student majoring in Anthropology? That student may have absolutely no experience and will already be more knowledgeable than the TV people.
I recently was invited to join a group online of people who do serious research on cryptids of various kinds. The person who invited me was a new online friend and seemed to be very realistically interested in the study. I was still cautious though, because I don't want to be part of groups that are fans rather than researchers. There's nothing wrong with being a fan, so long as you make it clear that you are not a researcher. I just don't have the time to be their source of answers to the most basic things. I also no longer have the patience to listen to one more skeptic whine about how we've found no bodies.

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