My momma always told me that if I didn’t have anything nice
to say, then to just say nothing at all.
Silence on this blog of late is closely related to that.

A few weeks ago I was speaking to a friend and someone
nearby happened to overhear. He
commented that he was pretty sure his dad’s Ontario farm had some Bigfoot
activity. I asked who he reported it to
and he said nobody—that they see footprints all the time so it isn’t a big
WHAT? Not a big deal? Only the holy grail of researchers—a private
land, as yet unsearched, with ongoing activity! Rest assured, I secured the
address and permission to visit when I can.
Canadian weather scares me more than a bigfoot encounter so I’ll wait
until spring.
In the meantime, the “boring” side of the research
continues. I’m still reading and
learning about native traditions to try to understand the sighting of a hooved
man on a nearby reservation. I’m still
scouring the internet for new, worthy reports on all sorts of creatures. I’m still networking with other credible
seekers so that we can share ideas and information. I’m still learning about
the Far North project by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, and will devote
a whole post to that soon.
What I’m not doing, though, is buying “Gone ‘Squatchin’ “ t
shirts and milling about the woods in the dark with a large group of
friends. I’m not taking a tv crew to a mountain
to recreate what someone said they saw.
I’m not pouring money into projects designed more for notoriety than for
evidence collection. I’m not
regurgitating previous books under new names to fund any memorabilia projects.
I appreciate you all who are boots on the ground and test tubes
and library research. You are cryptozoologists. You are the ones who will find the answers. You are my heroes.
Very, very true.